Based on the Suttas


Guided and self-guided Retreats (online and physical), Video Series, Dhamma talks, Sangha and Community Support

Course: "Freedom Of Mind"

In this first module Delson will explain some core principles that the Buddha taught, and how to apply this to the practice. He will then talk about the meditation, how it is done, why meditating is beneficial, and what results can be expected.

(Deepen Your Practice)
We offer both online and physical retreats, guided by experienced teachers all around the globe and for all timezones.
Retreats consist of Dhamma talks, 1-1 interviews with teacher, and intensive meditation practice.

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Dhamma Talks

Learn more about the Suttas every week with a live dhamma talk by Delson Armstrong.
Each week a new Sutta is covered and there is time for an open Q&A afterwards.

Learning to meditate

We welcome all levels of meditators – from beginners to advanced students

Watch or read the Meditation instructions to get a feel for what the practice is about

Follow one of our guided meditations from Delson or Syl


Beginner Material

Visit this page for initiating and supporting your daily practice.

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Self Guided Retreat

Visit this page for material on self guided retreat. Start Now!

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Online Retreat Q&A

Visit this page for frequently asked questions related to online retreats

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Physical Retreats Europe 2023 Announced, UK Retreat open for registration!

The TWIM Community has started a fundraise towards helping Delson’s family with a monthly stipend, if you would like to know more, click here.

QA sessions and Dhamma talk scheduled! This and other news here

Pre-ordering “A Mind Without Craving” is now possible. Learn more about it here.

Important announcement!!! We have regretfully cancelled all European Physical Retreats (Belgium, the Netherlands, and Italy) for 2022 due to global health concerns.

QA sessions and Dhamma talk scheduled! This and other news here


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