Oct-23 to Oct-31 2023
Netherlands TWIM Retreat
Acariya Delson Armstrong

*** We are excited to announce that 10-day Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation (TWIM) residential retreat by Acariya Delson Armstrong is coming to the Netherlands! 
The retreat will be structured for beginners and advanced meditators with one-on-one daily personal interviews. It will be hosted at the beautiful ITC International Theosophic Center in Naarden

The Teacher


Acariya (Delson) is a distinguished meditation and Buddhist studies teacher. He is regarded as a master meditation teacher in Tranquil Wisdom Insight Meditation. Since 2020 he has been teaching many online and residential retreats throughout Asia, Europe, and North America.

Acariya dedicates his life to teaching the path to liberation through the methodology laid out in the Buddhist suttas. 

His latest book, A Mind Without Craving, offers a detailed exploration into the nature of reality, behavioural reprogramming, kamma, rebirth, consciousness, and liberation.

If you are interested in TWIM 10-days residential retreat around the world by Acariya, please check here.

Summary of program

Dates: Oct-23 2023 until Oct-31 2023

Participants are required to attend the meditation hall for the 5:30 AM and 6:00 PM group sessions and One-on-one daily interviews. During practice periods, participants will balance periods of sitting and walking meditation as recommend by Delson. Indoor and outdoor meditation practice is encouraged.  

FIRST DAY______________
3:15 – 4:30   Check in
5:00 – 6:00   Orientation by Staff

6:00 – 6:45    Dinner
7:00 – 8:00    Introduction  
8:00 –            Meditation or bed

5:00 am     Wake up
5:30 am      Group meditation
7:30 am      Breakfast
8:00 am     Self-directed meditation
12:00 pm    Lunch
1:30 pm       Self-directed meditation
5:30 pm      Tea Break 
6:00 pm      Dhamma talk 
8:00 pm      Self-directed meditation
10:00 pm     Further practice or bed

LAST DAY_______________
5:30 – 7:00    Meditation & Closing
7:30 – 9:00    Breakfast & Socializing
10:00              Departure


Retreat center

ITC Naarden

ITC Naarden offers you a sanctuary of welcome, peace and simplicity: a beautiful, secluded Meditation and Retreat Center, nestled in the middle of the Netherlands surrounded by beautiful nature


You can check out the facility and location details here.


There are 20 single rooms, and shared bathroom facilities for men and women


Registrations, Costs, and Payment

The space is limited to 20 participants, with 2 places reserved for monastics The registration will open November 2022

We are only charging the costs of the retreat center, insurance, and transportation costs for the teacher. The teaching of the dhamma is always free of charge.

The cost is

  • Euro 950 per person for single occupancy.
  • A deposit of Euro 300 (refundable until March 1, 2023) will be required at registration. 
  • The final payment will be due on July 1, 2023
Note: SV is registered in the Netherlands, hence all payments will be done in Euros



  • Two meals (breakfast and lunch) will be served daily. 
  • The retreat center will accommodate vegetarian and vegan diets, and gluten-free diets. You can let us know your specific requests or notify us about any allergies in the registration form. The Retreat Center may not be able to accommodate all dietary requests. A microwave oven and refrigerator space are available for special foods you may need to bring with you.
  • You are asked to support with small tasks in the kitchen (chopping vegetables, cleaning etc). A wonderful way to continue your practice !


There will be no special group transportation.

If you have any questions regarding this workshop retreat or any other retreats, please contact retreats.suttavada@gmail.com.



There are currently no COVID-19 public health safety state or local mandates. There is no vaccination requirements, but highly recommended. As a precaution, we ask that participants home-test prior to arrival. As an additional safety measure, please consider taking another home test on the morning of the second and third day of the retreat. Masks will not be required in meditation areas or dormitories unless mandated by state or local public health safety laws at the time of the retreat. Registered participants will be notified if mandatory requirements change.

[rtec-registration-form event=11283]