Foundation and Board

Suttavāda Foundation was initiated by Koen vd Biggelaar, and officially registered on June 5, 2020


It is registered as foundation (Stichting Suttavāda) in the Netherlands with RSIN 861310032


Chambre of Commerce (KvK) registration 78227143


Since end of 2022, Suttavāda Foundation is a member of the BUN, the Buddhist Union Netherlands


Bank Details:

Name: Stichting Suttavada
Account no: NL81 INGB 0007 4503 93
Address: Vaartweg 182D, 1217SZ Hilversum, the Netherlands
BIC/SWIFT code: INGBNL2A (in case you need a branch code, you can use INGBNL2AXXX )
Bank Address: ING Bank N.V., Foreign Operations, PO Box 1800, 1000 BV Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Koen vd Biggelaar

Founder and Chairman

Koen van den Biggelaar

Following an extensive search, he found peace and happiness at a retreat in the UK with Bhante Vimalaramsi. He shortly ordained in the US, where he was supported by Bhante Ānanda. They remained in contact and Koen is currently his (international) Kappiya. He is a director at Microsoft Netherlands and lives in Hilversum with Maria. They have raised three boys, who are grown up now and left the house. Now he and Maria play a significant role in the lives of a 5-year old boys twin. Koen and Delson have been in contact for quite some time already and Koen completed a number of (personal) retreats with him. 

Patricia Rooseboom


Patricia Rooseboom

Patricia lives in Lelystad (though from Amsterdam 😉 ) and has a daughter and a son. Following multiple years as administrative assistant at a house broker, she joined Humanitas as a volunteer. With her warm and big heart she is supporting children, their parents and other people in need. As secretary she keeps us organized.

Board member

Els Ryokan Knaapen

Els Ryokan Knaapen lives in Zeewolde. She has held multiple functions during her long professional career. She received her Dharma middle name Ryokan as part of her lifetime ordination in the Zen Buddhist tradition. Currently she runs and supports a number of organizations and spends her time as Zen teacher for the Zeewolde Sangha ( She received her ordination six years ago, whereby she confirmed herself to a lifetime refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha.