Online Retreat with Delson Armstrong

Mind without Craving

“The stream of Dhamma, the stream of Dhamma, it is said.

But Bhante, what is the stream of Dhamma?”

Sāriputta: ‘It is this Eight-Spoked Path of the Ariyas.’”

-MN 43


Audience: Accessible for anyone

Experience: No experience required


About the retreat: ‘Mind without Craving’ is a retreat formulated for anyone desirous of taking their first step into the Dhamma, the Teaching of the Buddha, at its very root, as preserved in the original discourses of the Buddha (the Suttas).

This retreat is a progressive approach to what the Buddha called ‘Bhāvanā’ or Wholesome Mental Development. Cultivating the Higher Mind (Adhicitta) which directly correlates to happiness here and now. Meditators will be guided on a journey to understand what the Buddha awoke to on his own path to happiness.

This means the threefold training in:

Virtue (Sīla),

Collected Mental Harmony (Samādhi)

Discernment (Pañña).


What you will learn from the retreat:

  1. Loving Kindness Meditation (Mettā) & the Brahmavihāras
  2. The nature of mental states and wholesome mental development
  3. The essential role of Virtue and Generosity on the path to happiness.
  4. Collectedness of mind through Joy and Letting go. (Sammā Samādhi)
  5. The Four Steps of Effective Application (Sammā Vāyāma)
  6. The Four Noble Truths (Ariya Sacca) in actual practice
  7. The Seven Factors of Awakening.
  8. The Eight-fold Path of the Noble Ones (Ariyo Aṭṭhaṅgiko Maggo)
  9. Effective Observation: Learning to see how the mind’s attention moves when observing  four foundations of mindfulness (Satipaṭṭhāna)
  10. Effective Collectedness: See and understand that effectively observing one’s object of meditation and keeping that observation collected leads the mind to Release
  11. The experience of Release & Nibbāna here and now.

What you need to do:

  1. Morning Precepts
  2. Daily dhamma talk videos
  3. Meditate for at least 2 hours daily
  4. Interviews as scheduled

2. 10-day Retreats

Audience: Accessible for anyone

Experience: Module 1 completed or minimum 1 years consistent meditation experience


About the retreat: ‘Mind without Craving’ is a retreat formulated for anyone desirous of taking their first step into the Dhamma, the Teaching of the Buddha, at its very root, as preserved in the original discourses of the Buddha (the Suttas).

This retreat is a progressive approach to what the Buddha called ‘Bhāvanā’ or Wholesome Mental Development. Cultivating the Higher Mind (Adhicitta) which directly correlates to happiness here and now. Meditators will be guided on a journey to understand what the Buddha awoke to on his own path to happiness.

This means the threefold training in:

Virtue (Sīla),

Collected Mental Harmony (Samādhi)

Discernment (Pañña).

What you will learn from the retreat:

  1. Loving Kindness Meditation (Mettā) & the Brahmavihāras
  2. The nature of mental states and wholesome mental development
  3. The essential role of Virtue and Generosity on the path to happiness.
  4. Collectedness of mind through Joy and Letting go. (Sammā Samādhi)
  5. The Four Steps of Effective Application (Sammā Vāyāma)
  6. The Four Noble Truths (Ariya Sacca) in actual practice
  7. The Seven Factors of Awakening.
  8. The Eight-fold Path of the Noble Ones (Ariyo Aṭṭhaṅgiko Maggo)
  9. Effective Observation: Learning to see how the mind’s attention moves when observing  four foundations of mindfulness (Satipaṭṭhāna)
  10. Effective Collectedness: See and understand that effectively observing one’s object of meditation and keeping that observation collected leads the mind to Release
  11. The experience of Release & Nibbāna here and now.

What you need to do:

  1. Morning Precepts
  2. Daily dhamma talk videos
  3. Meditate for at least 2 hours daily
  4. Interviews as scheduled

2. Guidelines and Requirements

Guided by Delson Armstrong

  1. Undertaking the 5 or 8 virtues
  2. Minimum 2 hours of sitting meditation per day
  3. Read at least ‘Part 1’ of the book Open Heart.
  4. Read Ariya Dhamma Retreat Booklet
  5. Listen to the daily Dhamma Talks
  6. Smiling mandatory 😊
  7. No other activities.
  8. No phone, no computer, no television…
  9. No reading except Open Heart & Ariya Dhamma

Self Guided

  1. Undertaking the 5 or 8 virtues
  2. Minimum 2 hours is recommended
  3. Read at least ‘Part 1’ of the book Open Heart.
  4. Read Ariya Dhamma Retreat Booklet
  5. Watch daily Dhamma Talks
  6. Smiling mandatory 😊

As much as possible:

  1. No other activities.
  2. No phone, no computer, no television…
  3. No reading except Open Heart & Ariya Dhamma***


3. Schedule​​

This schedule is flexible.

The first days of the retreat should be relaxed.

Then, as the mental energy clears and picks up,

meditators are invited to follow more closely.

  • 5:30 am            Wake up
  • 6:00 am            Morning Meditation
  • 7:30 am            Pūjā & Recital
  • 8:00 am            Breakfast
  • 9:00 am            Meditation
  • 10:00 am          Interviews or meditation
  • 11:00 am           Lunch
  • 12:00 pm          Rest/Walking Meditation
  • 1:00 pm            Meditation
  • 7:00 pm            Pūjā & Dhamma Talk
  • 8:00 pm            Meditation
  • 10:00 pm          Rest or personal practice.


Live on Zoon. (Preferable)*

Alternatively, they can be through email, 

using the interview form.

Allocated time every day for personal interview: 15 min/participant.

4. Register

Please register using the Retreat registration form by clicking the button below this banner.

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Guided Retreats Dates and Registration

Feb 23 – March 4

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March 23 – April 1

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Free Dhamma

“The Dhamma is for free. At all times. For everybody. 

Delson dedicates his life to the Dhamma. He is either teaching retreats online or physically or he is sharing his profound understanding of the path somewhere on the globe. Delson lives by the Dhamma, he does not ask for money. But of course, some things need to be provided for him to live: Food, shelter, clothing. Same as monks. Please help us in supporting him and take this incomparable opportunity to practice a very special kind of generosity and goodness. We are deeply and forever grateful to your magnanimous hearts. Sādhu Sādhu Sādhu. You can send dana directly via Paypal to 

Delson Armstrong