
On this page you can make donations to 

1/ Delson Armstrong directly (via Paypal in USD)

2/ Suttavada Foundation (Paypal via USD or EUR, or Bank transfer in EUR)

3/ Retreat Donations

4/ General Donation (if Paypal is not supported in your country to Netherlands, i.e. in India)

Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu ! 

Donations to Delson Armstrong directly to support his livelihood

Donations to 

Suttavada Foundation

All donations are most welcome and are fully used towards supporting Delson’s livelihood and the continuance of Suttavada Foundation 🙂

EUR Paypal/Credit Card

USD Paypal/Credit Card

[give_form id="6755"]

You are also welcome to use the below way of making a donation. 

These work for countries where Paypal is not supported to the Netherlands, i.e .India

[give_form id="8058"]

Direct Bank Transfer

You can make a direct Bank Transfer to the Suttāvada Foundation in the Netherlands. Account is in Euros and all proceedings will be used for the livelihood of Delson

Bank Details

Name: Stichting Suttavada
Account no: NL81 INGB 0007 4503 93
Address: Vaartweg 182D, 1217SZ Hilversum, the Netherlands
BIC/SWIFT code: INGBNL2A (in case you need a branch code, you can use INGBNL2AXXX )
Bank Address: ING Bank N.V., Foreign Operations, PO Box 1800, 1000 BV Amsterdam, The Netherlands